Botanical Dairy

If you want to opt for a plant-based diet, there are a plethora of amazing foods you can try out. Sure, you may want to enjoy some dairy, but the truth is that you can find great plant-based dairy alternatives that are healthy and also super delicious. With that in mind, it takes a bit of a trial and error to figure out which is the better option, but it will be worth the effort.

Popular Plant-based dairy items

Almond milk creamers

This is a great combination of almond milk and coconut cream. What you will like is that it usually comes in a vast range of different flavors. On top of that, it’s known for being extremely tasty and the cream itself always makes you try out more and more.

Dairy free whipped cream

If you want to add some more taste to your pastry or baked goods, then it makes sense to try out dairy free whipped cream. It brings in that sense of quality and outstanding results, and the value itself is second to none. It’s always a good idea to check this out because it helps enhance the taste of some foods, plus it’s free of any dairy compounds.

Treeline nut cheese

It might sound strange, but treeline nut cheese is amazing, very healthy and it does bring in front some pretty impressive results. The great thing about it is that it offers you a vast range of flavors. Plus, you can find it in various flavors, including pepper based flavors. So yes, there are all kinds of dairy-free cheese to try, and this one might be one of our favorites.

Almond milk yogurt

When you want to try out some dairy free yogurt, this can be a very interesting option. The fact that it’s decanted yogurt makes it even healthier and convenient. In addition, the taste is great, and you even the flavor is familiar and very healthy.

Dairy-free ice cream bars

Thankfully, it’s possible to find plant-based ice cream as well. These ice cream bars are using only vegan ingredients, so you can enjoy a very impressive flavor without having to worry about consuming any dairy. That really helps immensely and it can bring in front the utmost benefits and value.

Vegan butter

Vegan butter is free of cholesterol, it’s also non GMO, and you can easily combine it with a vast range of different recipes. On top of that, this butter is mostly made with cashews and coconut oil. It really is one of the best types of butter out there, and it’s quite tasty as well.


If you’re looking to try out something new and different, then it makes a lot of sense to check out plant-based alternatives to dairy. Even if we seem very focused on dairy products nowadays, the truth is that you can find healthier and dairy-free alternatives that are just as good and tasty. You should totally give these a try for yourself, and you will be incredibly happy with the results and experience.